Well, that was fun! That was the first Hebrew course I’ve taught in a number of years. It’s good to be back!
Jason and I thought it would be a good idea to post “recaps” following a lesson. So, without further ado, here goes!
- I know that we are all of various skill levels and backgrounds here, but I continue to be impressed about the rate at which we’re learning. I am grateful: it is apparent that everyone takes the course seriously, even though it’s free. I really appreciate that.
- I appreciate the questions that people are asking! In most cases (at least in my experience teaching at institutions), that doesn’t happen – even if the student is paying a thousand dollars per credit hour.
- I appreciate that students are DOING their homework! This is absolutely necessary in order to retain and solidify your Hebrew learning.
- I also appreciate how well you are doing in your reading. I will continue to espouse that, if reading isn’t “the” most important component to learning Biblical Hebrew, it’s in the top two or three. You all are doing very well!
Remember – Greek starts easy and gets hard, while Hebrew starts hard and gets easier! It’s all downhill from here, folks.